Witness of the 'War Without Witness'

Since the journalists and aid workers were barred from entering the war zone by the Sri Lankan government, the final assault in 2009 was literally called ‘War without Witness’. Yet, Korean journalist.....

Moments of Devotion: 'For a better life….'

During the Hindu religious feast and procession called “Kali Festival” , the devotees coming from far away become the “highlight” of the test ones physical endurance. The symbolic ritual of.....

At the threshold: Monks and novices

"...Child abuse in religious establishments by both Buddhist and Christian clergy in Sri Lanka is rampant..."reported BBC in June 2012."According to figures from Sri Lanka's National Child Protection...

The pain of others: After the 'victory'

'Every age has its own fascism' wrote legendary author and Holocaust survivor Primo Levi. The dark truths of our time, fulfill Levi's prophecy. The images of interned Tamils holding onto barbed wire.....

A Death in Summer: Farewell, Nimalaruban

The warm summer winds softly sighed as he silently left, in another blood stained July. Ganeshan Nimalaruban, a Tamil youth full of life, was tortured to death  inside a maximum security prison.....

Drifting moments of stillness

"I dream about nothing and nothingness dreams about me" writes Pablo Saborio, a Costarican poet living far away from his country. In an unknown land, life retreats into desperate nothingness.....


Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka

  • JDS is the Sri Lankan partner organization of international media rights group, Reporters Without Borders (RSF). The launching of this website was made possible by the EU’s European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), of which Reporters Without Borders is a beneficiary.