Tamil fishermen fear ‘starvation deaths’ caused by poaching

Selliah Yogendrarasa moves his head to his right often as he weaves his casting net to ensure his false leg doesn’t fall down and get damaged due to the strong sea winds blowing across the Nandhikadal lagoon.........

Sri Lanka: Muslim lawyer detained in violation of national and international law

Sri Lanka has been warned that it is violating international and local legal standards by detaining a Muslim lawyer accused of collusion in the deadly Easter bombings. Human Rights Lawyer Hejaaz Hisbullah........

Sri Lanka: Arrest of Muslim lawyer for Easter bombings “illegal and arbitrary”

A prominent Muslim lawyer arrested by police for alleged involvement in the Easter Sunday bombings a year ago, has been widely condemned as illegal and arbitrary. Attorney-at-Law Hejaaz Hizbullah was arrested.......

Sri Lanka judge denounces victims of disappearances as “fictitious persons”

A judge in Sri Lanka's war torn north has denied families of the disappeared in the Mannar mass grave case – the largest mass grave discovered in Sri Lanka – representation in court. Mannar Magistrate...........

Sri Lanka Navy accused of behaving like 'cannibals'

Fishermen plying their trade off the coast of Kiranchi, in the Kilinochchi District have accused Sri Lanka Navy personnel of cannibalistic behaviour and unprovoked assault. The fishermen said they had initially refrained....

Sri Lanka: court to rule on disappearance victims right to representation in Mannar

A court in northern Sri Lanka halted the judicial inquiry of the country’s largest mass grave, in order to decide on the family members of disappeared Tamils’ right to participate in the legal proceedings..........

Sri Lanka’s largest mass grave probe risks being abandoned

The site of Sri Lanka’s largest mass grave has been left unprotected leading to fear that if any evidence remains in the soil it may become contaminated and unfit to be admissible.......


Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka

  • JDS is the Sri Lankan partner organization of international media rights group, Reporters Without Borders (RSF). The launching of this website was made possible by the EU’s European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), of which Reporters Without Borders is a beneficiary.