Report on male sexual violence in Sri Lanka
This is a report analysing 121 cases of male sexual violence documented over the years by the ITJP. It is written by independent expert, Dr. Heleen Touquet from the University of Leuven, who specialises in conflict-related sexual violence and gender. The study examines, among other things, systematic practices, the use of degrading language, the process of silencing of victims and the wider denial by society.
Download: Report on male sexual violence in Sri Lanka [pdf: 129 KB] - Published: September 2018
Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture
This report was released by the UN Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment following his visit to Sri Lanka from 29 April to 7 May 2016. The report summarises his observations on the prevailing situation while stressing that 'the issue of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is part of the legacy of the country’s armed conflict.'
Download: Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture [pdf: 296 KB] - Published: January 2017
UNCAT: Concluding Observations
The 15 page document released at the end of the 59th Session of the United Nations Committee Against Torture (UNCAT) contains the concluding observations on Sri Lanka's widespread use of torture.
Download: Concluding Observations on the Fifth Periodic Report on Sri Lanka [pdf: 7.72MB] - Published: December 2016
Proving Torture: Demanding the impossible
The 79 page report reveals how Home Office asylum caseworkers disregard or mistreat expert medical evidence of torture and make clinical judgements about survivors’ injuries that they are not qualified to make. The report provides a detailed analysis of how a cohort of 50 expert medico-legal reports documenting physical and psychological evidence of torture has been treated by asylum caseworkers in the UK Home Office.
Download: Proving Torture: Demanding the impossible [pdf: 1.48MB] - Published: November 2016
Tainted Peace: Torture in Sri Lanka since May 2009
The 77 page report published by Freedom From Torture (FFT) shows that one of the most urgent tasks faced by the Sri Lankan state is to eradicate torture by the military and police. The report is based on doctors' forensic reports (medico-legal reports) of 148 survivors, which document their physical and psychological injuries from torture.
Download: Tainted Peace: Torture in Sri Lanka since May 2009 [pdf: 0.99MB] - Published: August 2015
Sri Lanka’s Survivors of Torture and Sexual Violence 2009-2015
The 134-page report by International Truth and Justice Project Sri Lanka (ITJP) is based on 180 cases of torture and/or sexual violence in post-war Sri Lanka. The evidence points to the commission of crimes against humanity and other violations of human rights by the Government of Sri Lanka.
Download: Sri Lanka’s Survivors of Torture and Sexual Violence 2009-2015 [pdf: 1.26MB] - Published: July 2015
Sexual violence against Tamils by Sri Lankan security forces
The 140-page report published by Human Rights Watch provides detailed accounts of 75 cases of alleged rape and sexual abuse that occurred from 2006-2012 in both official and secret detention centers throughout Sri Lanka.
Download: HRW report on sexual violence against Tamils [pdf: 1.22MB] - Published: February 2013
Sri Lanka's mass Detention of LTTE Suspects
A Briefing note published by the International Commission of Jurists addressing the human rights concerns arising from what may be the largest mass administrative detention anywhere in the world.
Download: ICJ Report on mass detention of LTTE suspects [pdf: 624kb] - Published: September 2010