Development in Sri Lanka and the structural Genocide of the Eelam Tamils

Development is a rather ambiguous term lacking clear definition; nevertheless it holds positive connotations to rehabilitation, progress, prosperity and wealth. Subsequently it is propagated....

Genocide, resistance and the politics of remembrance

When various coordinated actions result in organized violence targeting a particular people with the intent of eradicating the foundations of their national identity, such as territorial, racial, linguistic, religious, economic....

'83 July 25: An eye witness account of the Prison Massacre

30 years ago on the 25th July, 35 Tamil political prisoners held under the 'Prevention of Terrorism Act' were massacred in a high security prison in Colombo. Two days later, on the 27th, 18 more prisoners were slaughtered.....

In Retrospect: Burning of Jaffna library and the genocide thread

Every nation, every ethnicity or grouping of people with a common identity has its own cultural icons that distinguish its values, aspirations and history. No icon defined Tamil culture more than the Jaffna library, a beautiful....

Images, history and not existing: A failed attempt to see Jaffna

There are the lonely figures tiny and staid, staring out of a frozen landscape. The Museum of Asian Art in Berlin, a cemented, rambling space deep in the still suburbs in the west of the city had a temporary exhibition....

Calls From Back Home: Telling the stories of the war Diaspora

When my Amma calls me on the telephone, she sometimes fills the distance that separates us by reading me her poetry and asking me for translations and opinions. She often wants me to translate her own writing from our shared....

Four years on, genocide continues off the battlefield

On the anniversary of the 26-year civil war, the Sri Lankan state celebrates its 2009 victory while Tamils mark the bloody nadir of the campaign to systematically dismantle the Tamil nation - one which continues today...


Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka

  • JDS is the Sri Lankan partner organization of international media rights group, Reporters Without Borders (RSF). The launching of this website was made possible by the EU’s European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), of which Reporters Without Borders is a beneficiary.