Camouflaging genocide: Sri Lanka’s pseudo anti-Imperialism

A small developing country, like Sri Lanka, simply does not possess the resource base to counter the United States. The selective application of global standards clearly disadvantages small developing countries and brings........

Is a “Single-Issue” approach feasible?

To say it in a few words for the sake of those who may not have noticed it, there has been some interest in the idea of a “single-issue” (SI) challenge to incumbent president Mahinda Rajapakse. What SI means is a challenge.......

Temples, Rose Petals and Guns

A rosy sky appearance rocked this year's Nallur festival when a Sri Lankan Army helicopter appeared in the cloudy sky of Yaalpaanam (Jaffna) above tens of thousands of devotees who gathered to celebrate this year's Nallur Thiruvila (chariot festival). Infamous for its....

Reflections on land and the national question in Sri Lanka

Land remains a major bone of contention in the resolution of the national question (NQ) as it is not only a vital means of livelihood for the vast majority of the people but also the contested material base with intangible symbolic value.....

Trade unionism and public policy: Did FUTA exceed its' mandate?

Some people have made an argument that the Federation of University Teachers’ Association (FUTA) has exceeded the mandate of a trade union when it demands the government to allocate 6% of the Gross Domestic Product.....

Sri Lanka: Militarizing the land and terrorizing the minds

“Given that 75% of the army’s divisions are stationed in the Northern Province, in addition to other formations such as task forces and independent brigades and regimental units, it is not unreasonable to assume that at least......

Deconstructing Sri Lanka's reconciliation discourse

When the Lankan government triumphantly announced the ‘defeat’ of the LTTE on May 19th 2009, there was great jubilation among chauvinist forces in the island. While there are more than enough credible evidences to show what....


Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka

  • JDS is the Sri Lankan partner organization of international media rights group, Reporters Without Borders (RSF). The launching of this website was made possible by the EU’s European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), of which Reporters Without Borders is a beneficiary.