The upsurge of Islamophobia in Sri Lanka: Ramifications of Sinhala nationalism

Throughout the 20th century, a predatory Sinhala nationalism developed as both the state and the Sinhala political elite consolidated power through chauvinistic nationalist mobilization. The ideology was predatory as it.............

The UNHRC Resolution: A critical interrogation

The struggle for liberation sharpened only because the people realized that they were being taken for a ride. Those same realizations helped keep our struggle on track. If these are to be blunted we will become a race become a race prepared.....

Sri Lanka: UN resolution the first step on rocky path to accountability

The Sri Lanka resolution adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) Thursday establishes an international investigation mechanism to probe alleged war crimes of the past as well as monitor ongoing human......

Sri Lanka: Weak UN resolution will endanger justice

Language in the draft resolution now before the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) for an investigation into past and ongoing human rights abuses in Sri Lanka lacks teeth say critics. A resolution that establishes a weak.....

The Proscription of the Tamil Diaspora: War by other means

I woke up this morning and found that two organizations I work very closely with, the National Council of Canadian Tamils and the Tamil Youth Organization, are now banned terrorist front organizations in Sri Lanka. Any politician, civil society member or.....

Sterile UNHRC and Defiant Colombo: Targeting women and the spirit of resistance

As the 25thsession of UNHRC is unfolding in Genève, we are told that the supposed international community’s attention is directed towards the island of Sri Lanka.It was thus expected that the Sri Lankan state would be.......

Truth and Reconciliation Commission:Trap or Trajectory for Sri Lanka?

Three days after the armed conflict in the island of Sri Lanka came to a bloody end, the UN Secretary General visited parts of the war zone. At the end of his visit he told the media, “I have traveled around the world and visited similar places,....


Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka

  • JDS is the Sri Lankan partner organization of international media rights group, Reporters Without Borders (RSF). The launching of this website was made possible by the EU’s European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), of which Reporters Without Borders is a beneficiary.