- 27 January 2015
Ministers of Sirisena’s 100 days and the FUTA’s 100 days
The Federation of University Teachers’ Associations (FUTA) — or so its Facebook Group indicates — is in high spirits over the “dethroning” of Mahinda Rajapaksha and the election win of President Sirisena. President Rajapaksha and his ministers....

- 14 January 2015
Presidential Election: Hold the Champagne in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka held a relatively peaceful presidential election on Jan. 8, followed by a stunningly smooth transfer of power. While some reports allege that former President Mahinda Rajapaksa attempted to cling to power by staging a coup......

- 07 January 2015
Polarised Realities: For Tamils it's 'devil' everywhere
Without addressing the grievances and just aspirations of the war-affected Tamil people, President Mahinda Rajapaksa, seeking an unprecedented third term in office, has conceded in Jaffna that he has been a "known devil"....

- 05 January 2015
The Great Geo-political Game: Presidential Election and the Geneva discourse
The Sri Lankan government and the Sinhala nation are facing a crisis; the Rajapakse regime is now confronted by a united Sinhala opposition under the common candidature of Maithiripala Sirisena and there lies.....

- 13 January 2015
The Great Geo-political Game: Presidential Election and the Geneva discourse - II
The MOU signed between the liberal opposition and Maithripala titled ‘A Common People’s Agenda for Just, Democratic and People-friendly Governance’ also reflects similar tendencies. Without mentioning........

- 05 January 2015
Challenges Ahead: Sri Lanka's mass atrocities and international justice
Sri Lanka, a country currently under international scrutiny for its violation of international humanitarian law and human rights law during the final phase of the war in Mullivaaikaal in the country’s north, is preparing for its seventh presidential....

- 27 December 2014
Sri Lanka’s Electoral Dysfunction: Why it could be a choice between two oppressors
On Jan. 8, two years ahead of schedule, Sri Lanka will hold a presidential election that could help restore democracy by scrapping the country’s authoritarian presidency and replacing it with a strong.....