Possessing memories, designing cemeteries - Part I

The aftermaths of wars are coined by various, often divergent, forms of national politics of commemoration and historiography. In a pluralistic world, states and governments are globally committed to the production, remembrance....

The master and his puppets: Some comments on ‘Tamil Moderates’

Around Geneva, the Rajapaksa regime and its mercenaries raise some self-righteous noise against the ‘neo-colonialists’ in the West. Quarters in the US-led West, tired with Rajapaksa’s intransigence....

Tamil Nadu student upsurge: A Tamil Spring?

A new generation of college students in Tamil Nadu has taken up the cause of the Tamils of Sri Lanka. Articulate, wellinformed and uncontaminated by the influence of time-serving politicians they have successfully....

Sri Lankan Islamophobia: Encroaching the mainstream?

In this 'Daily News' article penned by one Shenali Waduge on Muslims in Sri Lanka and why Buddhists should be scared of their ‘encroachment’, she displays a high level of confusion, connecting disparate events in....

Sri Lanka: The intentions behind the land grabbing process

In the so-called ‘post-war’ Sri Lanka context, land grabbing, Sinhalization and military occupation of the Tamil nation have become pivotal points in the political development discourse. The deep concerns that exist amongst the.......

Sri Lanka: The military expansion into education

Militarisation in Sri Lanka is not restricted to the formal military structure; its orientation is far more pervasive, as can be evidenced in the recent developments in the education sphere. Already existing imbalances and practices in the...

Hegemonic Executive President has been made a juggernaut

Coming hard fearlessly on the incumbent office of the Executive President of Sri Lanka for repeatedly meddling with the existing constitution for personal power gains, the island’s renowned retired Supreme Court Judge........


Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka

  • JDS is the Sri Lankan partner organization of international media rights group, Reporters Without Borders (RSF). The launching of this website was made possible by the EU’s European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), of which Reporters Without Borders is a beneficiary.