The Cameron “Walk Out”: The refusal to speak as political action

The refusal to interact should not be marked as a simple act of “cowardice”. This would be the misreading of a self-congratulatory Sri Lankan press and polity; for David Cameron and the UK, unlike what Muttiah....

Undermining the Legacy of Mandela: Zuma's silence on Sri Lankan rights abuses

The Canadian and Mauritian heads of state boycotted the 2013 Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting held in Sri Lanka earlier this month because of the host country's appalling human.....

Why we need to press for a fair trial on Sri Lanka?

Along with Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting contemplations, fresh videos of war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly committed by the Sri Lankan government have emerged renewing the calls.....

Implications of the humiliating defeat on Colombo regime

The conduct of Sri Lanka’s maiden Northern Provincial Council elections and the landslide electoral victory of the major Tamil party, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) have to be factually assessed and correctly understood, considering..........

CHOGM: Real engagement, or a Sri Lanka PR exercise?

British Prime Minister David Cameron has said he will attend the Commonwealth Summit in Colombo to engage with host nation Sri Lanka. However, while loudly encouraging Commonwealth leaders to engage by....

Tamil voters demand real change, but can TNA deliver?

The Tamil National Alliance (TNA), which won a handsome majority at Sri Lanka’s Northern Provincial Council elections on September 21, says it will use its mandate to demand greater self-governance. But with the........

Tamil Verdict: Resilience against genocidal repression and pseudo reconciliation

In the midnight of 19.09.2013, a commando team compromising of military and paramilitary members of the EPDP surrounded the house of Mrs. Ananthy Sasitharan, a brave human right activist who.............


Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka

  • JDS is the Sri Lankan partner organization of international media rights group, Reporters Without Borders (RSF). The launching of this website was made possible by the EU’s European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), of which Reporters Without Borders is a beneficiary.