- 05 July 2012
Shattered Memories: Sri Lanka's civil war
In 2006, Sri Lanka stood on the brink of war. Q. Sakamaki, a Japanese born award winning photographer based in New York, walked through an island besieged by death....

- 18 June 2012
Justice Delayed: In search of Prageeth
Sri Lankan cartoonist and journalist Prageth Ekneligoda went missing on Sunday 24th January, 2010. "The police have shown no interest in finding this opposition journalist alive" said....

- 18 June 2012
Beyond the last frontiers: Life in exile
Mahmoud Darwish, the visionary Palestinian poet, reflected the bleak emptiness and the endless desolation of exile life when he wrote: "Where shall we go after the last frontiers - where shall....

- 18 June 2012
Shades of Darkness: Children and war
Focusing on war affected children in Sri Lanka, Professor in Psychiatry Daya Somasundaram writes: 'in north east Sri Lanka for over two decades children have been traumatised by common....